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Classical English Argument

Every household should have a copy.

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Welcome to the webpage for Classical English Argument.

Learn how to argue from the masters. This book is a course on the art of argument taught by the greatest practitioners of it: Churchill, Lincoln, and hundreds of others from the golden age of debate in England and America. The book’s chapters provide lessons in all aspects of give and take—the syllogism and the slippery slope, the argumentum ad hominem and reductio ad absurdum, the fallacy and the insult. Farnsworth's Classical English Argument shows how the full range of such techniques can be used or repelled, and illustrates them with examples that are fascinating, instructive, and fun to read.

Order the book at here or get the audiobook here.

What people are saying about the book:

A master class on the art of argument from someone who grades them for a living. You should need a permit to carry it. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX).

In this brilliant and useful book, Professor Farnsworth brings the spirit of the Stoics to public discourse. It’s set of lessons for the ages—in analysis, rhetoric, civility and wit. —Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO).

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Author :: Publisher

Classical English Argument

Classical English Argument

Order the book at here
or get the
audiobook here.

Learn how to argue from the masters. This book is a course on the art of argument taught by the greatest practitioners of it: Churchill, Lincoln, and hundreds of others from the golden age of debate in England and America. The book’s chapters provide lessons in all aspects of give and take—the syllogism and the slippery slope, the argumentum ad hominem and reductio ad absurdum, the fallacy and the insult. Farnsworth's Classical English Argument shows how the full range of such techniques can be used or repelled, and illustrates them with examples that are fascinating, instructive, and fun to read.

What people are saying about the book:

A master class on the art of argument from someone who grades them for a living. You should need a permit to carry it. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX).

In this brilliant and useful book, Professor Farnsworth brings the spirit of the Stoics to public discourse. It’s set of lessons for the ages—in analysis, rhetoric, civility and wit. —Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO).

Every household should have a copy.

Interested in philosophy? Try this and this.

Interested in rhetoric? Try this by the same author.

Interested in metaphor? Try this by the same author.

Interested in law? Try this by the same author.

Interested in chess? Try this by the same author, and also this, or visit the online version here.